Important Elements Of An Effective Website Design

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Operating an online business website successfully means that you have to stay ahead of all your competitors who are in the same business. Marketing your business also involves using the trends in the website which people are more likely to search. The aim is to involve those trends in your website which are more likely to bring your web page at the top of the Search Engine Results Page. 

There are many ways to make your website stand out, but the main focus should be on the functionality of the web and Search Engine Optimization. After all, you are looking to sell your goods or service, so you must aim to get a high ranking on the search engine results page. 

Website design is responsible for the functionality and the aesthetic value of the web. It is the overall look of the website which is displayed on the internet. 


Here are a few important elements of an effective website design:

  • Overall Layout

The overall look is a very important component of website design. First impressions are very crucial. People take only a few seconds to form an opinion about your web page. So the first impression of your website will decide whether the audience will stay on the website or leave. This means that the design should be simple, accessible, and clean. You should use grid-based designs to make the website design and items organized in order.

  • Visual Appearance

No matter how good your content is, if your website is not visually impressive, there are chances that the audience will lose interest. Having a website that is visually impressive can be beneficial for the business as it will keep the audience engaged. Your website must visually connect with people and reflect your business. Colors and typography are very important for the visual appearance of your website. 

  • Colors:

    Make sure not to use more than 5 colors on your website. Choose bold colors for call-to-action options. For the web page colors, you can choose colors that match your logo.

  • Typography:

    Sans Serif fonts like Verdana, Helvetica, and Arial are easy to read, use these fonts for your body text. You can use other fonts for your headings, but do not use more than 3 different fonts on the same web page. Keeping headings and some texts larger in size is fine, but make sure that the size is chosen properly as nobody would want to see only a few words when they open the website on their phones.  Keep no more than 18 words per line and make sure the paragraphs are kept short and with spaces.

  • Load Time 

Load time is very crucial in determining if the audience is going to stay on your web, or just leave. The statistics show that if it takes more than three seconds for your website to load, chances are that you are going to lose your valuable customers. Make sure that your website loads quickly.

  • Accessibility

More than half of all the websites are accessed by mobile phones by the audience. Make sure that your website is mobile-friendly, as that is where you are going to get most of the audience from. 

  • Consistency

 All the web pages should have consistency. You can choose slight variations of the layouts, but don’t make the audience feel like they have entered a new website.

  • Interactive

Make sure to design a website that is interactive as it helps in creating a personalized experience for the users. It creates a connection between you and your audience and makes the user feel empowered. Make them ask questions, choose their location, or add reviews as this will help you gain the trust of your audience. 

Out of many, these are the few most important elements which are the key to an effective website design. You can also hire a website designer to design a website for your business. 

CMT Direct is a digital marketing company operating in New York and New Jersey, and offers top-notch digital marketing services including Website Design and Development. For more details about our services, please visit our website.

Hire our Best Website Design and Development Service and boost your income. We also provide SEO services for your website. Rank higher than your competitor does.

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